Camping can be a great way to relax—that is, until your ice melts and the food in your cooler gets ruined. That’s why, just like your trusty hatchet or your emergency drinking straw, dry ice is an invaluable tool you don’t want to camp without. Compared to traditional “wet” ice, dry ice lasts longer, doesn’t melt and keeps frozen items from thawing and spoiling, making it much more effective for long-term food storage.
Avoid the leaks, the mess and the hassles of traditional ice by adding Penguin Brand Dry Ice® to your packing list.
Dry ice isn’t really ice at all—it’s solid carbon dioxide (CO2). And unlike regular ice, it doesn’t just turn into water over time. It sublimates, which means it transforms from a solid state to a gas state. So, why is that important? Simple: If your car’s full of CO2 gas, you won’t be able to breathe.
When transporting dry ice, take sublimation into consideration. Store your cooler in the trunk of your car or the bed of your truck, and open the windows periodically. If you’re using an air-tight cooler, keep in mind that the carbon dioxide gas will expand inside the cooler as the dry ice sublimates, creating pressure that’s got to be relieved somehow. Unscrew the drainage cap slightly or open the cooler a few times each day.
For items that don’t need to be frozen, use dry ice in conjunction with regular ice cubes. The dry ice will help to keep the wet ice from melting over time.
When items need to stay frozen, ditch the wet ice and place additional dry ice on top.
Before you hit the old dusty trail, grab your Penguin Brand Dry Ice at a store near you and review our safe handling guide to make sure everything goes smoothly.